Overview of the most important Biotech investors in the world
The current and future significance of Biotech
Since time immemorial, humankind has tried to confront major dangers and problems such as food shortages, diseases and environmental degradation. Sometimes successfully but mostly not. A great hope to solve these major global challenges in the future is the intersection between biology and technology (biotechnology).
The biotech field is as diverse as it is competitive. The Covid-19 pandemic in particular demonstrated the potential of some biotech companies and biotechnology itself. Companys such as Biontech or AstraZeneca could provide new solutions for combating the pandemic situation. Today, in addition to medicine and personalised medicine, agricultural biotech, environmental biotechnology and nutrition biotech are the most important areas of research and activity.
The value of the global Biotech market is estimated at over 100 billion US-Dollars in 2022. The growth forecasts are much higher. For 2030, the market size is expected to reach 3.44 trillion US-Dollars. This growth is driven by the urgency of global problems, but also by large government investments. Another relevant factor is the investment of venture capital investors in biotechnology start-ups.
The importance of biotech startups for future investments cannot be overestimated. That is why we have compiled a list of the largest Biotech Venture Capital Investors on our portal thousand investors. Blog posts about some of the most important players in this field are linked below.
List of Biotech investor blog posts
Biotech venture capital investor from Berlin: Global Founders Capital
Biotech venture capital investor from Bonn: High-Tech Grunderfonds
Biotech venture capital investor from Budapest: Hiventures
Biotech venture capital investor from Reykjavík: Technology Development Fund
Biotech venture capital investor from Stockholm: Almi Invest
Biotech venture capital investor from London: Seedcamp
Biotech venture capital investor from Newcastle Upon Tyne: Northstar Ventures
Biotech venture capital investor from Paris: Partech
Biotech venture capital investor from Swindon: Innovate UK
Biotech venture capital investor from Exeter: Crowdcube
image source: National Cancer Institute via Unsplash (12.12.2022)